what i would do is give it all to my parents so they could buy whatever they need and pay bills they need to pay . I would keep a lil bit of money for myself
something i would like to do this summer is go to texas and experience something new at least on my visit and also go to disneyland, six flags, and get a job through out the summer.
Not to be upstaged by the previous year, 2015 was globally the warmest year since records began in 1880, according to NASA and NOAA. The average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.62 F (0.90 C) above the 20th century average, NOAA said.
Immigrants brought their dogs across the ocean along with their families and prized possessions. They soon became a fixture in a developing nation. In early America, the dogs were valued for much more than their fighting abilities. They were entrusted to protect homesteads from predators and worked as vital helpers on family farms. Homesteaders depended on their abilities to help in hunts and as hog catchers (hence, the common title "catch dogs"). They were constant companions to the young children who were entrusted in their care. Pit bulls earned their place as an important part of the fabric of a developing nation. - See more at: http://www.badrap.org/breed-history#sthash.lB9udlQ2.dpuf
I had a kid who threatened to kill me one year because I gave him an F. Another teacher caught one of my students writing 'Kill Mr. Vallee' in his weekly planner in the section labeled 'Weekly Goals and Objectives.' And the school was freakin' out. They didn't know what to do about it. They kept asking me if I felt threatened, and I'm like, 'Why? This kid hasn't met any goals in his objectives all year.'
my vacation was boring only the two last days i had a great time mostly with my friends nothin fun with my family they were being lame but i had a great time with my friends.
I went to yogurt land
favorite thing i did was sleep over my friends house i guess
Couple taken hostage kill murder suspect, jail escapee in Mississippi
what i was reading about that is that the guy killed his wife and murder her in the restroom cause he hated her for putting him in jail.
My opinion about this article is that now days couples be killing others and its not right your suppose to love one another. i think that guy shud have life in jail.
What i wanna be after i get out of high school is be a probation officer to help other youth or adults to get through what there doing right now in life or also be a teacher and help kids but i wanna be an english teacher and help students read write essays
My favorite thing to do out of school is sometimes go to my friends house and hang out with them also i like to go to church and sing with a couple of my friends also i like being home on my phone or i just clean most of the time.
TYPHOON?: They're all the same, officially tropical cyclones. But they just use distinctive terms for a storm in different parts of the world. Hurricane is used in the Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, central and northeast Pacific. They are typhoons in the northwest
In 5 OR10 years from now i hope i have 2 or 3 kids and also have a job have a lot of money. Be able to help my parents find a home also go to college be a probation officer or a kindergarten teacher. Be able to prove everyone wrong saying i wasn't going to make it through out college. To also have big ass wedding !